Social Networking Services(SNS)

How can social networking services be "controversial" when they are like a necessary source in our lives?


Questions on social networking services(SNS)

1. First of all, what are social networking services(SNS)?

2. How are they different from social media?

3. When do we use Sns?

4. Where do we find out about these Sns?

5. How do Sns affect our lives?

6. What are the advantages of using Sns?

7. What are the disadvantages of using Sns?

8. Are Sns safe?

9. What can we do to prevent our privacy being leaked?

10. How does using Sns affect our lives?

11. Why is the topic social networking services considered controversial?

12. Are Social Networks like Facebook real communities? Why/Why not?

13. Are people who are on social networks entitled to privacy? Why/Why not?

14. Do social networks encourage people to have good “interpersonal skills”?

15. Do social networks prevent us from creating meaningful “face to face” relationships?

16. Are social networking sites effective, or are they just a sophisticated means for stalking people? Why?

17. Have you been contacted by a stranger? How did you respond?

18. Do you think you can be more authentic when you are online or do you think people like to be someone else and play with there identity? Why?

19. If you were told to "disconnect " (no smartphones or internet) for a period of two weeks, how easy or hard would it be for you and why?

20. What are the main reasons why social networking is so popular these days?

21. Are social networking sites generally beneficial to our way of life?

22. Why is social networking services seems to be necessary in our everyday lives while we didn't have much of these 15 years ago?

23. Why do people find it hard to communicate "face to face"?

24. How long do people use social networking services for? DO they use it for communication as hobby or for work?

25. What are some reasons that make social networking services necessary for students?

26. What information do you have on your sns?

27. What do you share on your SNS?

28. What is the difference between friends in real life and  friends on the SNS?

29. What do you think is the effect of SNS to students?

30. Should children be allowed to use SNS?

1 件のコメント:

  1. I cannot imagine my life without SNSs. It is not too much to say that the world now is running with SNSs playing a main role. In other word, humans created the world where these stuffs are indispensable to live. This revolutionary invention made me easy to live but on the other hand, we are losing something that humans have by nature. For example, as it said on the blog, people are getting too dependent on their cell-phones that it is making us difficult to communicate face to face more than before. Sending words is the skill that only humans have in this world. From this aspect, I learned that there are not always only positive points when inventing something new and convenient. I am concerned if there are any specific strategies that the governments are making to face this complex problem in the world.

