Social Networking Services(SNS)

How can social networking services be "controversial" when they are like a necessary source in our lives?


9. What can we do to prevent our privacy being leaked?

How can we stop privacy form leaking?……Well, now that is quite a tough one. You see, for an example, lets say you are signing up to Facebook. You are new. So the site tells you to enter your full name, gender and birthdate. Now that is already 3 things you have given out to the public. You keep on going with the sign up. Later on it tells you to provide your hometown, which school you had educated in, your hobbies, your family…and so on. You're giving away tons of information just to get the sns to find ‘suggestions’ of your friends. 
So how do we prevent all this from getting into the wrong hands? Well there should be some options where you can change the settings, so only your friends could access your personal information. 
Another sns famous in japan, mixi, is quite an interesting sns. You can start off by a nick name and when you add friends at school through face to face communication, you can show them your personal information. So as long as you don’t become friends with someone you don’t know, then your information wont be leaked, when using that sns.

Preventing 100% can be extremely hard, but by the way you use sns, you can prevent privacy from leaking.

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