Look around at a restaurant and you have a hard time finding people who don’t have their heads down using their cell phones to text, Tweet, or update their Facebook statuses―all while sharing a meal with others at their table.
So, why do people have hard times talking face to face?
Here are some reasons:
People are feared of being judged. Many feel afraid that if they talk they'll have people look down on them.
Some people have difficulty speaking because they're thinking too much about what to say, what they're feeling, what are the right words,…and so on. The more they think about it, the more they have hard time putting the words into sentences and communicating. Often they eventually lose track of the conversation and suddenly the moment has passed and they feel as though they simply can't speak anymore.
When talking to person, no matter how much you're close friends, you feel anxiety. And this anxiety affects our physical movements. They can make it feel harder for you to move the muscles in your face. Anxiety can cause some of the movements that you used to be natural to become unnatural, and some of the automatic movements to become more manual. If you think so much about each muscle movement, eventually those movements will become harder and less natural.
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