Social Networking Services(SNS)

How can social networking services be "controversial" when they are like a necessary source in our lives?


18. Do you think you can be more authentic when you are online or do you think people like to someone else and play with there identity? Why?

People become more active with stranger friends than disguising themselves.
Nowadays, there are two types of people that get along with strangers online. One are those who complement their offline social life with their online friends, and the second group are those who pretty much replace their offline social life with the online one meaning, they are more authentic online. Some of these people are bullied in their offline social life. 
Although interacting with others offline gives us an experience which is hard in our offline life, an online social life also offers something which offline life does not. Social networking services like Facebook offer users a window to a world of ideas, cultural differences and perspectives that we would otherwise not easily have access to in real-life. 
One reason for the reliance on online social communications is of its flexibility. There’s simply little or no commitment to the relationships made online. We can simply start an online conversation with almost anyone, any time and end the relationship there and then, without carrying expectations to contact each other again. We don’t actually have to fix a time and location to meet up with the other party. 

We may not disguise ourselves as someone else in sns but most people act differently online than they do in real life, mainly because we want to show ourselves off to people to get them to think you're great.

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